Program Topics

  Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
No Peripheral arterial occlusive disease-Update guidelines & Innovations
1 Updated guideline and landmark study in PAD 
2 BASIL-2 trial versus BEST-CLI trial
3 What is the best solution for complex AIOD disease?
4 Role of IVUS and Shockwave in aortoiliac reconstruction: Challenging the gold standard of ABFB 
5 Drug coated balloons for BTK disease: What's new for Paclitaxel and Sirolimus
6 5 Inventions and Techniques that changing my endovascular practice
7 New innovation for overcome calcification in BTK vessels
8 Update in endovascular treatment strategy in femoropopliteal lesion
9 Treatment for No-Option CLTI after revascularization
10 Update in endovascular management strategy for ALI
No Peripheral arterial occlusive disease-1
1 Diabetic foot ulcer: Back to the Future
2 Catheter-based revascularisation in acute limb ischemia: How I do it?
3 Hybrid revascularization in ALI: Encountering with thrombus, emboli and culprit lesion
4 How to deal with ischemic-reperfusion injury in modern era
5 Arterial thoracic outlet syndrome: Recognition and Intervention
6 Pythium insidiosum and vascular complications
7 CO2 angiography: How to get better images
8 Transradial peripheral arterial intervention
9 Re-entry deivces in CTO lesion
10 FIRST TIME DATA RELEASE: TINTIN trial investigating the combination of DCB and bare metal stents: 5-year result
No Peripheral arterial occlusive disease-2
1 Implementation of CLTI protocol for improving limb salvage
2 Pre-operative perfusion measurement tools in CLTI
3 Updating the result of covered stent v/s open revascularization in complex AIOD
4 Guide wire crossing in CTO lesion in AIOD
5 Tip & trick for complex aortoiliac reconstruction ChCERAB & CERAB
6 Endovascular treatment options in CFA disease
7 Technical aspect of endovascular treatment of multi-level occlusive disease
8 Technical aspect of open vascular bypass in multi-level occlusive disease
9 Technical aspect of hybrid operation in multi-level occlusive disease
10 Strategy for CLTI in non-reconstructable distal arteries
No Peripheral arterial occlusive disease-3
1 Update in outcome of DCB v/s Stent in complex femoropopliteal occlusive disease
2 Update in the debulking atherectomy in femoropopliteal occlusive disease
3 Updated management in in-stent restenosis
4 Challenging technique in the CTO and calcification in BTK lesion
5 Future trend of Drug Eluting Technologies in BTK lesion
6 IVUS and OCT: Better vision for better outcome
7 Surgical tactics in crural and below the ankle bypass procedure
8 Inframalleolar intervention in CLTI: When and How?
9 Surgical technique in open deep vein arterialization
10 Experience with Limflow procedure: Promise I, II, III and Clarity Studies
No Peripheral arterial occlusive disease-asia
1 Current status of CLTI treatment in Japan Reviewing SPINACH study
2 Long-term outcomes of aortoiliac artery stenting
3 SUPERA stent: The mimetic stent in non-SFA territories
4 The efficacy of atherectomy device in de novo or restenotic femoropopliteal lesions
5 Long-term outcomes of percutaneous atherectomy and DEB
6 Post-PTA dissection: Classification, Prevention & Treatment
7 What is the most advanced treatment for patients with no-option CLTI?
8 Distal bypass as a tool for limb salvage
9 Long-term fate of popliteal artery entrapment syndrome
10 Long-term result of open v/s endovascular treatment of Takayasu arteritis
No Peripheral arterial occlusive disease-How I do it?
1 Limb salvage with endovascular DVA: Steps & Tricks for success
2 All my tips and tricks for retrograde and bidirectional crossing for difficult lesions
3 Vessel preparation in femoropopliteal lesion: Tips & Tricks
4 CERAB in complex AIOD: How I do it?
5 Percutaneous femoropopliteal bypass
No Aneurysm-Update guidelines & Innovations
1 Vascular deformation mapping in aortic connective tissue disease to predict intimal tear during follow-up
2 Open v/s Complex endovascular repair of aortic aneurysms Guideline in 2024
3 Guidelines and multidisciplinary approach in open repair for pararenal and suprarenal AAA
4 Guideline of management for aortic arch Open v/s Endovascular v/s Hybrid, which will be the first option?
5 Computer modeling for patient-directed type B aortic dissection care
6 Updated guideline in management of aorto-iliac aneurysms (ESVS 2024)
7 Guideline in management acute and chronic type B aortic dissection
8 Current guideline in management infected abdominal aortic aneurysm
9 Novel bidirectional double cuffed inner branches for complex endovascular aortic repair
10 Updated guideilne of preoperative cardiac evaluation in vascular surgery
No Aneurysm-1
1 Complex AAA Endovascular / Open / Hybrid repair
2 Is coeliac artery fenestration stenting a requirement in Fenestrated EVAR?
3 The link between elevated cancer risk and endovascular aortic repair
4 Physician-modified endovascular grafts for juxta and pararenal AAA Technical challenges and learning outcomes
5 Impact of aortic neck length and angulation for outcomes in AAA with severe neck angulation
6 Update in Harborview Risk Score for ruptured AAA Is it still accurate?
7 Current management of internal ilac artery aneurysms
8 Treating diversed abdominal aortic anatomies Current technology assessment
9 Decade of EVAR durability with new data on sac regression
10 The situation of mycotic AAA therapy in China.
No Aneurysm-2
1 The current landscape of endosuture aneurysm repair (ESAR)
2 Five-year outcomes for bell bottom, iliac branch endoprosthesis, coil and cover approaches GREAT registry
3 Aortoiliac aneurysm treatment Lesson learned from Ramathibodi hospital
4 Complex EVAR procedures in challenging anatomy
5 Lessons learned in managing infected AAA
6 FESAR (single Fenestrated Endosuture Aneurysm Repair) for very short neck AAA
7 Delayed diasters of abdominal aortic endografts
8 The suitability of conventional EVAR for ruptured AAA in Asia
9 Physician modified endograft for juxta and pararenal AAA
10 Type 2 endoleak treatment options and outcomes
No Aneurysm-3
1 Contemporary options for management of the left subclavian artery and expected outcome
2 Aortic arch devices Fenestrated v/s Branched grafts
3 Long-term outcomes of open aortic arch repair Strategies to improve perioperative outcomes and make it durable.
4 Endovascular aortic arch repair with inner branch stent graft Lesson learned from King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
5 Value of ascending aortic banding as primary or adjunctive treatment for aortic arch lesions
6 Advances and new strategies in open surgical repair of aortic arch pathologies
7 Insights in using different aortic arch branched endografts Differences, Advantages and Challenges.
8 Unibody single-branched aortic arch device Indications & Clinical experiences
9 Neurological complications after aortic arch repairs How to minimize them?
10 Aortic arch surgery in acute type A aortic dissection Strategic treatment and Outcomes
No Aneurysm-4
1 Intravascular ultrasound-guided transcaval approach for thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair
2 Remaining indications for cerebrospinal fluid drainage during endovascular thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair
3 Advancements in surgical techniques for open thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair Experience 600 cases
4 Concerning points of branched grafts in complex aortic aneurysm
5 Real world experience with a low profile thoracic endograft
6 Simplify complexity of TAAA patients with branch devices
7 Best medical therapy for uncomplicated acute type B aortic dissection
8 Management of aortic lesions in Takayasu arthritis
9 Why I choose Branches v/s Fenestrations?
10 Update in management of aortic intramural hematoma
No Aneurysm-Asia
1 Hemodynamic evaluation of AAA using in vivo hemodynamic model and computational model 
2 Endovascular treatment of short aortic neck AAA using Endoanchor  
3 Endovascular treatment of type Ia endoleak
4 Long-term outcome of large diameter stent graft use during EVAR
5 Open surgical conversion of EVAR failure
6 Prediction of in-hospital mortality after ruptured AAA repair using auto-segmentation of retroperitoneal hematoma
7 Treatment strategy of infected aortic graft or stent graft
8 Value of ascending aortic banding as primary or adjunctive treatment for aortic arch lesions
9 The impact of arch bird-beak configuration on aortic remodeling after TEVAR
10 Distal stent-graft induced new entry tears (SINEs) on aortic remodeling of chronic TBADs How to prevent & treat
11 How to deal with complex abdominal aortic disease?
12 Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) The journey begins for the vascular surgeons of Bangladesh
No Aneurysm-How I do it?
1 Endovascular approach for aortic arch pathology
2 Strategies for complex aortic repair for chronic aortic dissection and what are the unmet needs
3 Effective strategies and techniques for fenestrated grafts in complex aortic aneurysms
4 Tips and tricks for open retroperitoneal exposure of the aorta and its branches
5 Step-by-step procedures for open complex aortic aneurysm repair
6 Endovascular aneurysm repair in AAA with short neck How I do it?
7 How to optimize the planning of Fenestrated/ Branched grafts for TAAA ?
  Carotid Disease
No Carotid disease
1 Duplex ultrasonography for carotid disease
2 Severe symptomatic carotid artery stenosis CEA v/s CAS
3 Asymptomatic carotid stenosis Current management
4 Optimizing carotid endarterectomy outcomes Anesthesia & Closure
5 Carotid endarterectomy 10-year follow up in a university hospital
6 Decision making in patients with carotid artery stenosis and ischemic heart disease
7 Postoperative cardiac complications in vascular surgery
8 Postoperative complications after carotid endartectomy and management
9 Transcarotid artery revascularization (TCAR) Surgical technique & Outcomes
10 Current management of carotid artery aneurysm
  Venous Disease
No Venous disease-Update guidelines & Innovations
1 Updated guideline in duplex scanning in CVD
2 Updated guideline in medical treatment and compression therapy of CVD
3 Updated guideline in truncal ablation and perforator ablation
4 Updated guidleine in ICVO and deep vein reflux
5 Updated guideline in pelvic venous disorder
6 Updated guideline in VTE prophylaxis in surgical patient
7 Updated guideline in DVT (Medical treatment)
8 Updated guideline in PE
9 Updated guideline in acute intervention in DVT
10 Updated guideline in management of venous leg ulcer
No Venous disease-1
1 Thermal ablation Is it still the gold standard?
2 Cyanoacrylate closure Is it the best treatment for truncal vein ablation?
3 Complications of cyanoacrylate closure
4 TT v/s NTNT Is it time to stop the argument ?
5 VTE prophylaxis for endovenous truncal ablation
6 SSV ablation What is the best choice?
7 Concomittent phlebectomy after intervention of saphenous ablation for primary varicose vein
8 Laser crossectomy & Below knee truncal laser ablation Techniques & Results
9 When & How to treat pathologic perforating vein
10 Recurrent varicose vein The way to go?
No Venous disease-2
1 Updated management of phlegmasia cerulea dolen
2 Acute DVT intervention Who will get the benefit?
3 Stent v/s Not Stent after thrombus removal of ilio-femoral DVT
4 Open venous thrombectomy Does it still have a role in 2024?
5 CDT v/s mechanical thrombectomy for acute ilio-femoral DVT What is the current evidence?
6 How to deal with difficult IVC filter removal?
7 Role of stenting in thoracic outlet syndrome with DVT
8 Acute intervention for PE
9 Current role of DOAC in VTE of CKD patients
10 Updated guideline in perioperative management for VTE
No Venous disease-3
1 Classification of chronic iliofemoral venous obstruction and its clinical impact
2 Tips & tricks in iliofemoral / caval recanalization and stenting
3 Complications of iliofemoral venous stenting
4 How to deal with iliac stent thrombosis
5 Chronic deep venous obstruction Venous stenting v/s Conservative treatment
6 Update in venous valve replacement for deep vein reflux
7 The management of combined ilio-femoral and femoro-popliteal vein thrombosis
8 Combined truncal vein reflux and ICVO for venous leg ulcer
9 Current and future physiologic assessment in deep venous intervention
10 Current management of antithrombotic after iliac venous stenting
No Venous disease-4
1 Sclerotherapy Basic to get good results
2 Guideline of management of superficial vein thrombosis
3 Management of mixed arterial and venous leg ulcer
4 Management of recalcitrant VLU
5 Advanced wound dressing for VLU
6 Leg exercise for venous ulcer healing
7 SVP based zonal symptom assessment in pelvic venous disorders
8 Duplex ultrasound for pelvic venous disorders
9 Bottom up or top down approach for treatment of pelvic venous disorders
10 Pelvic vein embolization Tips and Trick
No Venous disease-Asia
1 Changes of the stump length after endovenous therapy of incompetent sahenous vein
2 VTE How and when to intervene
3 Post-thrombotic syndrome Pathophysiology and Treatment strategies
4 Effectiveness of IVUS for iliac vein stenting
5 Indian series with OBLIQUS ( Dedicated Venous Stent ) for May-Thurners.
No Venous disease-How I do it?
1 Technique in endovenous thermal ablation RFA & Laser
2 Technique in endovenous non-thermal ablation (Glue)
3 Ambulatory phlebectomy
4 Venous stent for ICVO How I do it?
5 Venous valve surgery in deep venous reflux How I do it?
6 Ultrasound in CVD How I do it?
No Venous disease-TVF1
1 Opening remark by President of Asian Venous Forum & Chairman of Thai Venous Forum
2 History of Asian Venous Forum
3 Venous & lymphatic surgery 30 years' experience (1994 ~ 2024)
4 How to avoid complications of foam sclerotherapy
5 Cryo Laser & Cryo sclerotherapy How I do It
6 BLAST - blue light activated sclerotherapy for cosmetic C1 disease
7 How to manage venous malformations New techniques to manage huge lesion
8 All about AASV
9 CVD burden & challenges in Nepal
10 Virtual Reality A new frontier in EVLT surgery & education for varicose vein
11 Pathophysiology of recurrent varicose vein
12 Are the vein diameter and the treatment distance related to postoperative obstruction?
13 Management of tributary veins Simultaneous phlebectomy, Staged or ASVAL?
14 New superficial venous devices undergoing trials Could they be game changers?
No Venous disease-TVF2
1 Choices of anticoagulants during thrombolysis for acute DVT
2 CAT- Cancer-associated thrombosis A clinical scoping review and/or
3 Asian VTE prophylaxis in surgical patients
4 General considerations for treatment of acute iliofemoral DVT
5 How to decrease the rate and severity of PTS after DVT
6 How to treat refractory or recurrent diseases in patients who underwent prior ovarian vein embolization
7 How to deal with combined Nutcracker syndrome and ovarian vein reflux
8 Evidence-based aquatic protocol for vein-lymphatic patients
9 Outcomes of deep venous reflux correction in chronic venous insufficiency
10 Indications for intervention in NIVL
11 Direct sampling mass spectrometry for the evaluation of venous leg ulcers
12 CVD and obesity
13 Skin care in CVD
  Vascular Access
No Vascular access-Update guidelines & Innovations
1 How to change and improve dialysis access care?
2 The selection process of renal replacement therapy; Is it complex algorithm and poorly understood?
3 Innovations and challenges in secondary and tertiary AVF
4 Integrated dialysis access systems
5 AVF formation with adjuvant endovascular maturation
6 EndoAVF: Where are we now?
7 Safety in dialysis access
8 Role of bare-metal stent in dialysis access salvage
9 Update in innovations to treat central vein occlusion in HD vascular access
10 A novel outside-in transcervical mediastinal access for TCC replacement in central vein occlusion
No Vascular access-1
1 Obstacle in promoting preemptive AVF: a challenge problem
2 A transformative AV conduit turning into a long-term living vessel
3 Access surveillance: Who, When and How?
4 Inside-out technique for central venous catheter insertion in CKD patient
5 Diagnosis & management of AVF problems
6 Lower extremity vascular access: Choice and Techniques.
7 Femoral vein transposition under fascia iliaca block: How I do it?
8 Isotonic vs. Isometric exercise: Which one is the best to boost AVF maturation?
9 Open surgical repair for cephalic arch stenosis
10 Bleeding complications in vascular access for hemodialysis
No Vascular access-2
1 How to avoid nightmare in TCC insertion?
2 Juxta-anastomotic stenting: Techniques and Results
3 Pathogenesis of giant aneurysm of AVF
4 AV access aneurysm: How and when to intervene?
5 Access banding: Surgical approach
6 ECG-guided TCC catheter insertion: Dose it work?
7 Minimal invasive vascular access for hemodialysis
8 EndoAVF: Is it worth in Singapore setting?
9 Adjunctive techniques to increase maturation rate of endoAVF
10 Role of IVUS in access intervention
No Vascular access-3
1 How to prevent and treatment algorithm for HAIDI?
2 How to choose appropriate balloon size for venoplasty in access stenosis?
3 Drug eluting balloon in the AV access circuit
4 Results of Sirolimus-coated balloon in AV access stenosis
5 Drug eluting stent in access stenosis
6 Different puncture sites for endovascular treatment in vascular access
7 Percutaneous AVG thrombectomy with manual pulse spray techniques
8 Evaluation of the end point of thrombosed AVF salvage
9 High pressure vs. cutting balloon in AV access stenosis
10 Does stent graft prolong reintervention in outflow stenosis?
No Vascular access-Asia
1 Innovations in vascular access: Cutting edge techniques and tools.
2 Management of immature AVF  
3 Treatment strategies for recurrent vascular access stenosis
4 Central venous occlusion: Role of the HERO graft
No Vascular access-How I do it?
1 US-guided venoplasty in access dysfunction
2 AV Graft / AVF salvage by mechanical thrombectomy.
  Vascular Trauma
No Vascular trauma
1 Role of endovascular procedure in vascular trauma
2 Current management of vascular trauma in neck region
3 Current management of vascular trauma in thoracic region
4 Current management of vascular trauma in abdominal region
5 Current management of vascular trauma in extremity region
6 REBOA in severe intraabdominal traumatic hemorrhage
7 Iatrogenic vascular injury
8 How to manage major vascular trauma in military & austere settings
9 My experience of 10 missions with MSF (more than 12 months working “in-the-field”)
10 A common presentation in war zones, the mangled extremity is a complex, multispecialty problem
No Vascular trauma-Asia
1 Thoracic aortic injury in Vietnam
2 Peripheral vascular Injury in Vietnam