About Thailand

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About VISA

Who Can Enter Thailand Without a Visa

The Visa Exemption rule allows tourists from 64 countries to enter Thailand without applying for a visa. Travelers can visit Thailand for up to 30 days if they are entering Thailand through an international airport or land border checkpoint from a neighboring country.

Provisions of the VISA EXEMPTION RULE and BILATERAL AGREEMENT, effective December 31, 2016, allowing passport holders from 64 countries to enter Thailand under this rule provided they meet the following criteria:

  1. Be from an approved country.
  2. Be visiting Thailand strictly for tourism.
  3. Hold a genuine passport with a valid expiry of over 6 months.
  4. Can provide a valid address in Thailand on entry that can be verified. This address can be a hotel or an apartment.
  5. Must have a confirmed return ticket exiting Thailand within 30 days. Open tickets do not qualify. Traveling overland by train, bus, etc to Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia (including en route to Singapore), Myanmar, etc is not accepted as proof of exiting Thailand.**
  6. Provide proof of funds of at least 10,000 THB for single travelers, or 20,000 THB per family during your stay in Thailand.

** You may be asked to show your flight ticket on entering Thailand. If you do not possess a flight ticket to show that you will exit Thailand within 30 days of entry, you will most likely be refused entry.

If entering Thailand by land or sea, eligible travelers holding normal passports will be granted visa-free travel to Thailand twice per calendar year. There is no limitation when entering by air.

For Malaysians entering by land border, there is no limitation in issuing the 30-day visa exemption stamp.

Travelers from Korea, Brazil, Peru, Argentina, and Chile will receive permission to stay in Thailand for up to 90 days under Visa Exemption. This applies to both airport and land border entries.

People who are not eligible to enter Thailand under the Visa Exemption rule or Visa on Arrival scheme are required to get a visa through a Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate prior to their visit.

64 Countries allowed to enter Thailand under the VISA EXEMPTION RULE

1. Andorra 23. Ireland 45. Peru (30 and 90 days)
2. Argentina (90 days) 24. Israel 46. Philippines
3. Australia 25. Italy 47. Poland
4. Austria 26. Japan 48. Portugal
5. Bahrain 27. Korea (30 and 90 days) 49. Qatar
6. Belgium 28. Kuwait 50. Russia
7. Brazil (30 and 90 days) 29. Laos 51. San Marino
8. Brunei 30. Latvia 52. Singapore
9. Cambodia (14 days only) 31. Liechtenstein 53. Slovak Republic
10. Canada 32. Lithuania 54. Slovenia
11. Chile (90 days) 33. Luxembourg 55. South Africa
12. Czech Republic 34. Macau 56. Spain
13. Denmark 35. Malaysia 57. Sweden
14. Estonia 36. Maldives 58. Switzerland
15. Finland 37. Mauritius 59. Turkey
16. France 38. Myanmar (14 days only) 60. Ukraine
17. Germany 39. Monaco 61. United Arab Emirates
18. Greece 40. Mongolia 62. United Kingdom
19. Hong Kong 41. Netherlands 63. United States
20. Hungary 42. New Zealand 64. Vietnam
21. Iceland 43. Norway  
22. Indonesia 44. Oman  
Public Health Measures

Public Health Measures

For more information, please visit: https://ddc.moph.go.th/en/index.php